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Mercer Island Fire Fighters Association, Local 1762 IAFF


City of Mercer Island

Interest Arbitration

Arbitrator:      Phillip Kienast

Date Issued:   02/08/1983



Arbitrator:         Kienast; Philip

Case #:               04318-I-82-00095

Employer:          City of Mercer Island

Union:                IAFF; Local 1762

Date Issued:     02/08/1983





CITY OF MERCER ISLAND                      )           OPINION AND AWARD


                                                                        )                       of

            -and-                                                    )           Philip Kienast

                                                                        )           February 8, 1983


MERCER ISLAND FIRE FIGHTERS       )           RE:  Contract Terms

ASSOCIATION, LOCAL 1762 IAFF           )

________________________________        )          





For the Union:


Craig Hagstrom and Alan Provost, Local 1762 Officers



For the Employer


Richard N. Burt of Donworth, Taylor & Company





            This proceeding is pursuant to RCW 41.56.  A hearing in this matter

was held on December 16, 1982 and the record closed upon receipt by

the Arbitrator of post hearing argument on January 10, 1983.  The issues

in dispute are:



            Acting Lieutenant pay

            Medical and dental premiums


            Sick leave accrual


            The Arbitrator has considered the factors as set out in RCW 41.56

in arriving at a decision on each of these issues.




            The City requests a two year agreement with a 5% salary increase

in the second year unless the CPI-W does not increase by that amount

whereupon wage negotiations would be reopened.  The Union indicated it

had no objection to a two year contract if an equitable salary adjustment

was provided and a CPI  formula be added if the CPT exceeds 5%.  Accord-

ingly, the Arbitrator will set the contract at two years and provide

for a 5% increase provided that the CPT-W for Seattle does not exceed

6% nor be under 4%.  If it does exceed the 6% figure or not increase by

at least 4% wages for 1984 will be opened for negotiations.


Wages for 1983


            In examining the comparative cities put forth by each side, the

Arbitrator found three that were identical:  Kirkland, Kent and Lynnwood.

Interestingly these three are the three closest in population to Mercer

Island of those offered for comparison.  Accordingly, the Arbitrator has

placed primary emphasis on these three cities in his deliberations on

the issues before him.  However he has also taken into account the

compensation patterns and practices in the other cities submitted by

the parties for comparative purposes.  Table 1 discloses wages and other

data relevant to the issues in dispute here.


            Examination of Table 1 reveals that Mercer Island compares favorably

to the three primary comparison cities, especially in base hourly wage

rate.  For 1983 the Union proposes a 12.6% increase; the City a 6%

increase.  Lynnwood wages are undetermined pending the outcome of arbi-

tration.  Kirkland wages increased by 8% for 1983 and Kent by 7%.  Hence

the known settlement pattern is 7.5%.  Because of the indeterminancy of

Lynnwood I  wages the Arbitrator has looked to other wage adjustments for

cities in the Seattle-Bellevue metropolitan area that surrounds Mercer

Island:  Renton settled at 7.0%; Bellevue at 2.9%; and Seattle at 4.7%.

The adjustments in these three cities average just under 5%.


            The Arbitrator concludes that the City's offer of 6% falls in the

mid range between the two most comparable cities increase and the

immediate labor market rate.  He does not find any compelling reason in

the evidence of this proceeding to award a greater increase.  Accordingly,

the Arbitrator will award a 6% base salary increase effective retro-

actively to January 1, 1983.


            The Union requested an upward adjustment in lieutenants pay to

reflect the added responsibility exercised by lieutenants in Mercer

Island.  The union argued that in the average comparable department












Pay (Top)


Medical &

Dental a

Leave b

I ------ II

Mercer Is.






Med cap $140

8            8







0            12







10          12







$75 cap/dep.

8            24 c









a Employee and all dependents.


b Hours per month for LEOFF I and II.


c To 12 after 42 months.


that captains handle many of the duties handled by lieutenants in Mercer

Island which has no captains.  The Arbitrator finds their arguments per-

suasive and accordingly will award a differential adjustment in their

salary comparable to lieutenants in Kirkland where lieutenants are in

command of all three of its stations one third of the time.


            In 1982 Kirkland lieutenants received 15% more than fire fighters;

in Mercer Island the comparable figure was only 12%.  Accordingly, the

Arbitrator will award an additional 3% salary increase for lieutenants.


Acting Lieutenant Pay


            Currently the City pays acting lieutenants at the probationary rate

even after they have worked an equivalent amount of time to the 3 months

required before a new lieutenant can move to the "thereafter" rate.  In

the Arbitrator's view the parties have already agreed that a lieutenant

with 3 months experience is worth more than one who is just starting.

lie finds no equitable reason why a lieutenant who works the equivalent

of those 3 months in an "acting capacity" should not also receive the

thereafter rate.  Accordingly he will award language that provides that

an acting lieutenant will be paid at the thereafter rate if he has

worked more than 24 shifts as an acting lieutenant.


Medical and Dental


            Currently the City pays medical premiums for a fire fighter and

his dependents up to a maximum of $140.  The Union argues that the

pattern in the Puget Sound area is for no cap.  In the three prime

comparison cities two have no cap, one does.


            The lack of price and coverage data in the comparison cities makes

it difficult to assess what 100% payment is costing these cities, or

alternately benefitting their fire fighters.  However, the Arbitrator

through involvement in other proceedings like this one is aware that

Bellevue's cap is currently $130 for fire fighter medical and in Seattle

where the City pays 100% the maximum cost to the City was $165.  In

light of this data it is clear to the Arbitrator that the $140 cap

requested by the City is not unreasonable and will order its maintenance

in 1983.  Since this is a two year contract, however, he will provide

for the cap to rise to $150 for 1984.


Sick Leave


            Currently both LEOFF I and II fire fighters earn 8 hours sick leave

for every month worked.  The Union requested that LEOFF II fire fighters

earn 24 hours.  In the three prime comparison cities they have varying

plans.  In Lynnwood LEOFF I personnel receive no sick leave and II's

receive 12 per month; in Kent LEOFF I personnel receive 10 and II's

12 per month; in Kent LEOFF I receive 8 and II's receive 24 for their

first 42 months of employment and 12 hours thereafter.


            The pattern revealed above is for LEOFF II to get more sick leave

than LEOFF I.  Equity also suggests a differential system is reasonable.

Accordingly, the Arbitrator will provide that LEOFF fire fighters will

accrue sick leave at the rate of 16 hours per month for their first 30

months of employment with retroactive coverage for already employed

LEOFF II fire fighters to their date of employment.  After 30 months

the rate will be 8 hours per month.




            Currently premium pay for overtime is calculated on the basis of

an annual work year of 2,496 hours.  The Union requested that it be

figured on a standard work year of 2,080 hours   The practice in the

three primary comparative cities is not uniform.  Kent and Kirkland

currently compute on the basis of 2,808 and 2,632 respectively.  Only

Lynnwood uses 2,080 hours.  The Union did not provide data on this point

for its other comparable cities.  However, among all the cities used

by the City only Lynnwood uses the 2,080 approach.  Accordingly, the

Arbitrator finds the clear pattern in the fire service to be overtime

compensation based on normally scheduled hours.  In contrast to arbi-

trator Gillingham's opinion cited by the Union, this Arbitrator places

more emphasis on comparisons with other fire fighters than with Mercer

Island's police.




Duration:        2 years January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1984.


Salary:            Retroactive to January 1, 1983, a 6% across the board

                        increase for fire fighters and a 9% increase for lieutenants.

                        Effective January 1, 1984 a 5% increase, provided that

                        if the CPI-W for Seattle-Everett area increases less than

                        4% or more than 6% then salary rates for 1984 will be

                        opened for negotiations.


Medical:         For 1983 no change in medical.  On January 1, 1984 the

                        lid on medical will be raised to $150.


Dental:            No change from current provision.


Acting             Add new section to Appendix A reading:


                                    "Fire fighter's who have worked as acting lieutenant

                                    for more than 24 full shifts shall be paid at the

                                    thereafter rate of lieutenants pay. II


This provision shall become effective March 1, 1983.


Sick Leave:    Add new section to Agreement reading:


"LEOFF II employees shall earn sick leave at the

rate of 16 hours per month for their first 30

months of employment.  After that time the rate

shall be 8 hours per month."


Overtime Pay: No change in current practice.


All other issues previously agreed to by the parties prior to arbitration

shall be included in the 1983-84 Agreement.  Other requests for change

not specifically discussed above are denied.



Philip Kienast

February 8, 1983

Seattle, Washington

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.