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Wenatchee Police Guild


City of Wenatchee

Interest Arbitration

Arbitrator:      Robert A. Sutermeister

Date Issued:   04/13/1978



Arbitrator:         Sutermeister; Robert A.

Case #:              01316-I-78-00047

Employer:          City of Wenatchee

Union:                Wenatchee Police Guild

Date Issued:     04/13/1978








For the City:                                                   Otto G. Klein III

                                                                        Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen & Williams

                                                                        1900 Washington Building

                                                                        Seattle, Washington  98101


For the Guild:                                     Dan Breda

                                                                        Wenatchee Police Department

                                                                        P.O. Box 519

                                                                        Wenatchee, Washington  98801


Members of the Arbitration panel:   Clair Tribble

                                                                        Kyle Younker

                                                                        R.A. Sutermeister, Chairman



            The parties had a signed collective bargaining agreement in effect from

January 1974 to December 1976.  They negotitated regarding an agreement to

cover the periods January 1, 1977 to September 30, 1977 and followed most of its

provisions although this agreement was not signed by the parties.  A section not

followed was one calling for binding arbitration of grievance which were not

settle in the first three steps of the grievance procedure.

            The parties negotiated regarding an agreement for the period commencing

January 1, 1978 but reached an impasse in their negotiations and resorted to

mediation and fact finding.  The fact finders' recommendations on several issues

were not adopted.  In accordance with the State of Washington Laws on Public

Employees Collective Bargaining, RCW 41.56.450 the matter is before an arbitra-

tion panel for a written determination of the dispute.

            The public Relations Employment Commission has determined that one of

the unsettled issues, relating to minimum manning, is a matter for determination by

the Commission and is not properly before the arbitration panel.



            The other issues which remain in arbitration are as follows:


1.         Salaries

2.         Medical-dental benefits

3.         Longevity

4.         Grievance and arbitration

5.         Contract duration

6.         Overtime


Pertinent Provision of RCW 41.56


41.56.030        Definitions.  As used in this chapter:


            (4)        "Collective Bargaining" meand the performance of the mutual obligations of the public employer and the exclusive bargaining representative to meet at reasonable time, to confer and negotiate in good faith, and to execute a written agreement with respect to grievance procedures and collective negotiations on . . .


41.56.430        Uniformed Personnel - Legislative Declaration:


The intent and purpose . . . is to recognize that there exists a

public policy in the State of Washington against strikes by

uniformed personnel as a means of settling their labor disputes:

that the uninterruped and dedicated service of these classes

of employees is vital to the welfare and public safety of the

State of Washington; that to promote such dedicated and unin-

terrupted public service there should exist an effective and

adequate alternative means of settling disputes . . .


41.56.460        Uniformed Personnel - Arbitration Panel - Basis for Determination


In making its determination, the panel shall be mindful of the

legislative purpose enumerated in RCW 41.56.430 and as additional standards or guidelines to aid it in reaching a decision, it shall take into consideration and statutory

(a)        The constitutional and statutory authority of the employer

(b)        Stipulations of the parties

(c)        Comparison of the wages, hours and conditions of employ-

ment of the uniformed personnel of cities and counties

involved in the proceedings with the wages, hours, and

conditions of employment of uniformed personnel of cities

            and counties respectively of similar size on the west

            coast of the United States.

(d)        The average consumer prices for goods and services,

            commonly known as the cost of living

(e)        Changes in any of the foregoing circumstances during the

            pendency of the proceedings

(f)        Such other factors, not confined to the foregoing, wich

            are normally or traditionally taken into consideration in

            the determination of wages, hours, and conditions of


(g)        Findings of fact made by the fact-finder . . .


41.56.950       Retroactive date in collective bargaining agreements allowable,

when.  Whenever a collective bargaining agreement between a

public employer and a bargaining representative is concluded

after the termination date of the previous collective bargaining

agreement between the same parties, the effective date of such

collective bargaining agreement may be the day after the termin-

ation date of the previous collective bargaining agreement and

all benefits included in the new collective bargaining agreement

including wage increases may accrue beginning with such effective

date as established by ths section.


The Panel's Approach

            Both parties agree that they have a mutual interest in good salaries and

working conditions for members of the Police Guild.  The panel, of course,

concurs in this overall objective.

            The panel recognizes that the city officers have the responsibility for

running the city; keeping it in good financial condition; balancing the in-

terests of citizens, business, and city employees; and balancing the interests

of various employee groups.  We feel the arbitration panel must be very

careful so that it does not unsurp the responsibilities of the city officials

and at the same time deals fairly with the members of the Guild.

            The fact finding board, whose chairman was chosen by the Guild and

which had a representative from the Guild as well, has made what appear to

us to be reasonable recommendations for settlement.  To change their recom-

mendations we would need to be convinced that they are unfair to the City or

to the Guild, or that the conditions on which those recommendations were

based have altered sufficiently to warrant changes.



            The parties submitted a number of exhibits giving salary comparisons.

As Mr. Breda stated at the hearing, "the methods of calculation differ and

the results differ."  RCW 41.56.460 (f) refers to comparisons with cities of

similar size on the west coast of the United States.

            City Exhibit 5 included only cities east of the Cascades.  Though the

smallest city (Moses Lake) has a population about 7,000 less than Wenatchee's,

the largest cities (Yakima and Richland) have populations of 29,000 and

11,000 greater than Wenatchee, respectively.  Can these be considered cities

of similar size?  Many questions are raised by the statistics and calculations

presented, questions which perhaps the parties will be addressing in future

negotiations.  Should statistics for comparison with Wenatchee include cities:


            (1)        Only in Washington and only east of the Cascades (as in City 5)?

            (2)        Only in Washington, but both east adn est of the Cascades (as

                        in City Exhibit 9)?

            (3)        Only in Washington but predominantly west of the Cascades (as in

                        Guild Exhibit 6)?

            (4)        In other states on the west coast besides Washington? (No data

                        presented at the hearing.)

            (5)        Reflecting only base pay; or total pay and benefit package (as

                        in City Exhibit 5)?  The arbitration panel believes that total

                        pay and benefit package is the more appropriate basis for com-

                        parison, but is not sure that the cities selected in City Exhibit

                        5 are the proper cities for comparisons.

Unitl the parties resolve these questions, the arbitration panel feels the

statistical comparisons are inconclusive.

            Turning to the consumers' price index, City Exhibit 10 indicates that

the national index rose 6.6% from January 1977 to January 1978; the Seattle

index rose 8.7% from November 1976 to November 1977; and the new BLS index

for Seattle is estimated to have risen 7.9% from January 1977 to January 1978.

The Guild has requested over a 20% increase in salaries.  The City offered

8.2% including medical and dental benefits.  The fact finding board recommended

10.8% including salaries and medical-dental benefits.

            The arbitration panel agrees with the recommendation of the fact finding

board on salaries.  Below, under "Contract Duration," we provide for a reopen-

ing of the agreement each year for negotiations on salaries.  Negotiations for

1979 salaries can be started now.  Hopefully the parties will reach some sort

of agreement on what cities "of similar size" should be relied upon for compar-

son purposes.  Certainly the parties will have more information on developments

regarding the proposed Community Convention Center and any effect this may

have on the city's ability to increase salaries.  The Guild will not be locked into the 10.8% increase beyond the year 1978 but will have an opportunity to seek

further adjustments for 1979 and 1980.

            The salary increase should be retroactive to January 1, 1978.  Such

retroactivity seems to be permissible under RCW 41.56.950, but the Guild

should sign a "hold harmless" agreement with the City providing for reim-

bursement of the retroactive pay if such pay is ruled illegal.


Medical-Dental Benefits

            The arbitration panel is in basic agreement with the fact finding board

on their recommendation for family medical benefits and for dental benefits.

However, since it appears that it will be at least May 1, 1978 before these

benefits can be provided, the City should pay benefits for the remaining

eight months of 1978 at the level scheduled for 1979.  Thus the schedule

recommended by the fact finding board would be altered as follows:

            1978                $35 toward family medical benefits (for remaining months

                                         of 1978

                                    13 toward dental benefits (for remaining months of 1978)

            1979                35 toward family medical benefits

                                    13 toward dental benefits

            1980                45 toward family medical benefits

                                    18 toward dental benefits

These amounts are in addition to the 100% medical coverage alrady provided

for police officers at a cost per officer of $30 per month.


Longevity Pay

            The unsigned agreement covering January 1, 1977 to December 31, 1977

provides that after five years of service, an employee receive longevity pay

of 2% a month; and that every two years thereafter, an additional 1% per

month be added up to a maximum of 9%.

            The Guild wishes to continue the present arrangement.  The city pro-

poses that after five years of service, $1 per month of longevity pay be

added each year.  The fact finding board recommended that after five years

of service, $3 per month be added each year until longevity pay reached a

maximum of $60.

            It appears to the arbitration panel that (1) Wenatchee's present method

of computing longevity pay differs from that of most other cities; (2) the

purpose of longevity pay is to reward employees for staying on the job; and

(3) an employee who has been promoted receives a higher base salary, but

should not also receive higher longevity pay than officers at a lower salary.

Thus we feel that the board's recommendation is reasonable.  Each employee,

after five years of service, should be paid $3 per month additional for each

year of service up to a maximum of $60 per month.


Grievance and Arbitration

            The parties have not followed the grievance-arbitration provision in

the unsigned 1977 Agreement.  The Guild feels the 1977 agreement is a valid

contract even though it was not signed, and that the City should abide by

the grievance-arbitration clause therein which calls for final and binding

arbitration as the final step in the grievance procedure.

            However, RCW 41.56.030 defines collective bargaining, among other

things, as executing a written agreement.  Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary

defines "execute" as "to perform what is required to give validity to (a deed, will,

etc.) as by signing, sealing, delivering."  The arbitration panel concludes

that the 1977 Agreement, being unsigned, was not a valid agreement and that

the provisions for binding arbitration therein are not enforceable.

            Aside from the legal aspects of the 1977 Agreement, we appreciate the

Guild's desire to have final and binding arbitration, but are pursuaded that

the present system is working satisfactorily and that there appears to be no

need for binding arbitration at this period in the relationship between the


            Thus we support the fact finding board's recommendation that Article 15

in the "Tentative Proposal" (Jt. Exhibit 4) remain as it is.


Contract Duration

            We agree with all three members of the fact finding board that (1) the

effective date of contract should be January 1, 1978; (2) that the

agreement should continue through years 1978, 1979, and 1980 and

(3) that it be reopened each year for negotiations on salaries.  This seems

to have the advantage that contract duration will be consist the

contracts for other unions.



            The 1974-1976 agreement and the 1977 (unsigned) agreement define

"Regular hourly rate" as including the base rate of pay plus longevity

factor plus education factor, and "Overtime" as 11/2 times to regular hourly


            The City wishes to define "Regular hourly rate" as base rate of pay

only.  Thus overtime would be 11/2 time base bay, excluding longevity and


            All members of the fact finding were basically in agreement with the

fact finding recommendation that longevity and education increments be con-

tinued as components of "Regular hourly rate" and the arbitration panel

agrees with this recommendation.


April 13, 1978


            Agree                                                              Disagree


Kyle Younker                                                             Clair Tribble

R.A. Sutermeister








Fact Finding Board Members:


Robin R. Gaukroger, Chairperson

James B. Drewelow, City Representative

Daniel Breda, Police Guild Representative






            The Fact Finding Board met on Wednesday, December 21, 1977,

for its final meeting to establish its conclusions and proposals con-

cerning the 1978 contract between the City of Wenatchee and the

Wenatchee Police Guild.  The Board's proposals and recommendations

have been broken down into an article by article treatment of the

23 article proposed contract which resulted from the negotiations

conducted between the City of Wenatchee and the Wenatchee Police

Guild.  This proposed contract was dated in August of 1977 and was

submitted to the Fact Finding Board at its second meeting.


            Article 1. - "Agreement"  Following the presentations of

the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 1.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:


            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 2.  - "Recognition"  Following the presentations of

the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 2.


            City Representative  James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 3. - "Non-Discrimination"  Following the presenta-

tion of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was

determined that all parties agreed to the language of Article 3.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 4.  "Use of City Facilities"  Following the

presentations of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was

determined that all parties agreed to the language of Article 4.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow   Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 5.  "Duration, Salaries and Salary Negotiation

Procedures"  It was the determination of the Board that if the Board's

proposals are accepted, the effective date of this contract should be

January 1, 1978.  In the event that the Board's proposals are not ac-

cepted by either party, then it is the Board's feeling that the

effective date of the contract should be determined by the arbitrators.

            It was the Board's position that the contract should be

effective for a three year period but that in regard to the percent

increase of base salary for the years 1979 and 1980, the contract

should provide for a wage opener wherein only the issue of the per-

cent increase of base salary would be a negotiable item.  The Board's

reasoning behind this proposal is that by limiting further negotia-

tions only to the percent increase of the base salary rate, both

parties to this contract would be in a position to have settled all

other disputes by the initial contract and would thus be in a position

to negotiate a reasonable increase in wages for 1979 and 1980 based

upon the current inflationary rates and/or consummer price indexes

which are currently only speculation.  It is the Board's further

position that any effort to set an equitable percent increase at this

time would be purely speculation and would be an issue over which

there appears to be little chance for agreement between the parties.

However, by the use of a wage opener position wherein both parties to

this contract would be in a position to see the actual inflationary

rate over the year 1977, as well as have the opportunity to view the

percent wage increases for the cities which have been used for com-

parison purposes, both parties would be in a position for reasonable,

realistic and effective wage negotiations.  However, it must be em-

phasized that it is the position of the Fact Finding Board that by use

of  a wage opener, it must be strictly limited to the issue of the

proposed wage increases for 1979 and thereafter, 1980 and that no

other issue could be considered negotiable.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



I feel, however, that both parties would benefit by establishing

at the present time an established percentage increase of base

salary for the years 1979 & 1980, or using the Consumer Price

Index for cost of living increases in 1979 & 1980.  It is evident

to me that both parties have expended considerable time and effort

in attempting to negotiate a new contract and by opening a 3-year

contract for negotiation in 1979 & 1980 on base salary or cost of

living increases, will only add to the expense and time for both

parties in the years 1979 & 1980.


Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 6. - "Modifications in Salary Schedule"  Following

the presentations of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it

was determined that all parties agreed to the language of Article 6.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 7. - "Hours of Work, Overtime and Definitions"

The only issue of disagreement which was presented before the Board

was the issue of Article 7, Paragraph 2(b) - regularly hourly rate.

In regard to this issue, it is the opinion of the Board that the

definition of regularly hourly rate should be:  regularly hourly

rate is to be defined as base pay, longevity and education incentive.

However, it must be noted that in the Board's proposed definition of

regularly hourly rate, it is the Board's position that the method of

calculating the longevity pay be changed from that system used in the

1977 contract to the system proposed by the Board, wherein longevity

would be based upon a rate of $3.00 per year for each year after a

minimum of five years and would have a maximum of 20 years or $60.00

as the upper end of the longevity payscale.

            It was the opinion of the Board that the proposed definition

of regularly hourly rate, with the included  modification in the means

of calculating longevity pay, would provide a realistic and workable

definition for overtime pay purposes as well as all other instances

when the definition would come into play.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow   Comments:



I agree with the proposed recommendation.  My personal feeling,

however, is that overtime pay should be based only upon base pay

and not upon base pay, longevity and education incentive pay.

I view education pay as an incentive for police officers to con-

tinue their higher education as well as a reward for those who

do.  I view longevity pay as a reward for those officers who have

stuck with the job for the required number of years.  I do not

feel that an officer who must work a few hours of overtime should

be paid more for his overtime work because he has a college degree

or has been on the force longer than an officer of equal rank who

does not have as many years on the force or equal education.


            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 8. - "Longevity"  It was the opinion of the Board that

the means by which longevity pay was calculated should be changed from

the system set forth in the 1977 contract and should be calculated upon

the following guidelines.

            After completion of five (5) years service, $3.00 should be

allowed per year for longevity pay.  Longevity pay would continue to

accrue until an officer had reached 20 years of service or $60.00 per

month longevity pay, which would be the top limit allowed for longevity


            It was the opinion of the Board that by redefining the means

by which longevity pay is determined, the City of Wenatchee would be

using a similar system to those used in the cities with which the

Wenatchee Police pay rates are compared.  It is also the opinion of the

Board that by setting a fixed dollar amount on longevity pay, the system

would not descriminate against long service police officers who had been

unable to advance in rank because of the limited opportunities for rank

advancement within the current Wenatchee Police Department.  Thus,

longevity pay would work as an incentive to all officers to remain on

the police force without giving unwarranted additional compensation for

those few who are able to advance to the higher ranks.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative   Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 9. - "Clothing Allowed"  Following the presentations

of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 9.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 10. - "Health and Welfare"  It is the opinion of

the Board that in regard to the issues of medical insurance and

dental insurance, the City of Wenatchee should provide as follows:

            Medical Insurance:  That the City of Wenatchee should

pay the sum of $25.00 for medical insurance on behalf of each offi-

cer for the year 1978 and the sum of $35.00 for the year of 1979

and the sum of $45.00 for the year 1980.

            Dental Insurance:  That the City of Wenatchee should pay

on behalf of each officer the sum of $8.00 for the year 1978, and

the sum of $13.00 for the year 1979 and the sum of $18.00 forthe

year 1980.

            It is the opinion of the Board that the current life

insurance program as provided by the City for all members of the Police

Guild is acceptable and this fact was not challenged by the Police

Guild's representative.  However, in regard to medical and dental

insurance, it is the opinion of the Board that these two items are

necessary benefits which the City should provide on behalf of the

Wenatchee Police Guild and that these benefits are overdue.  Therefore,

in an effort to provide substantial current benefits for the Wenatchee

Police Officers, it is the opinion of the Board that the City of

Wenatchee should provide the above stated funds wherein at the end of

the three year contractual term, the City will be very close to pro-

viding full medical and dental coverage for the Police officers.  It

is the opinion of the Board that upon the expiration of this contract

in 1980, the City of Wenatchee should be providing full medical and

dental coverage for the members of the Wenatchee Police Guild and that

the proposed payment schedule of the Board provides a means by which

the officers will receive an immediate benefit while at the same time

allow the City of Wenatchee to phase in full coverage over the three

year term.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:

Agreed.  I agree with the Board's recommendations:  My comments

relate to clarification and my understanding of the recommenda-

tion.  First, it should be made clear that the City is presently

paying 100 percent of each officer's medical coverage.  The re-

commendation of the Board would not change the medical benefits

received by the officers at the present time.  The recommendation

of the Board relates to dollar contributions by the City for

DEPENDANT medical coverage and both employee and dependant dental



The Board's recommendation, therefore, is that the City would

continue to pay 100 percent of the officer's medical insurance,

plus pay to an insurance carrier $25.00 per month towards depen-

dant medical coverage in 1978, $35.00 per month in 1979, and

$45.00 per month in 1980.


Additionally, the City would pay $8.00 per month to an insurance

carrier for both officer and dependant dental coverage in 1978,

$13.00 per month in 1979, and $18.00 per month in 1980.


            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 11. - "Uniform Cleaning"   Following the presentations

of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 11.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 12. - "Vacations, Sick Leave, Holidays, Military

Leave, Civil Leave"  It is the opinion of the Board that Article 12

should read as follows:

            "Ordinance No. 1658 as amended by Ordinance 1980 be, and

the same is hereby incorporated into this Agreement, or as said

ordinances may be hereinafter amended."


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 13. - "Negotiations Leave"  Following the presentations

of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 13.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow- Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 14. - "Insurance"  It is the proposal of the Board

that the proposed provision is acceptable with the following changes

to the language:

            "The City shall provide during the term of this agreement,

insurance and/or indemnification agreement covering all commissioned

officers of the Wenatchee Police force which insurance and/or indem-

nification agreement shall cover the following areas.

            It is the Board's opinion that the language as above stated

with the balance of the current Article 14 be acceptable to both



            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 15. - "Grievances"  It is the opinion of the Board

that if all the terms of this agreement have been accepted by both

parties with the exception of Article 15, then Article 15 should remain

as written.  The issue presented to the Board was that the Police Guild

had requested the inclusion of an arbitration clause as provided under

RCW 41.56.122.  The City's position was that the article should remain

as written.

            Therefore, if all other proposals that the Board has suggested

have been accepted with the exception of Article 15, then it is the

Board's  opinion that Article 15 should remain as written without change.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 16. - "Management Clause"   Following the presenta-

ions of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined

that all parties agreed to the language of Article 16.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 17.  - "Performance of Duty"  Following the presenta-

tions of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined

that all parties agreed to the language of Article 17.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 18. - "Education Incentive"  Following the presenta-

tions of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined

that all parties agreed to the language of Article 17.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 19. - "Salary Scale"  It is the opinion of the

board that the 1978 contract and the salary scale provision should be

as set forth in the City's proposed salary schedule for the Police

Department which was submitted on December 16, 1977 to the Board and

marked City's Exhibit #10.

            The Board would recommend the adoption of the salary schedule

as proposed by the City with the following additions to that schedule:

            1.  That the family medical be increased from $20.00 to $25.00

for the year 1978, and that there be a provision wherein there would

be an additional $10.00 increase for the year 1979 following by an addi-

tional $10.00 increase for the year 1980.

            2.  The Board would further propose that an additional benefit

be provided and labeled dental insurance and that for the year 1978,

the benefit would be $8.00 with an additional $5.00 for 1979 and an

additional $5.00 for 1980.

            Finally, it is the opinion of the Board that a $12.00 pay

adjustment should be made for Sgt. Hoover to bring his salary to an

acceptable level.  This $12.00 addition was proposed by the City and

has been accepted by the Board as being fair and equitable in this

specific situation.

            It is the opinion of the Board that the salary proposals as

set forth in the Board's proposal will provide a reasonable increase in

salary and benefits for the Wenatchee Police Guild while also being

within the acceptable limits of the City of Wenatchee.  It has been the

position of the Board that medical and dental benefits are long overdue

on behalf of the Wenatchee Police Guild and that these are major con-

siderations to be given in any salary proposal by the City.  It is the

further position of the Board that although the proposed salary in-

creases are greater than those offered by the City and less than those

requested by the Police Guild, the Board's recommendations are reason-

able and realistic when viewed in terms of the current cost of living

increases, which include escalating medical and dental costs, while at

the same time taking into consideration the financial difficulties

which the City of Wenatchee is currently facing and will be facing for

the next few years.  The Board believes that the medical and dental

proposals set forth herein provide the means to allow the officers to

receive the critical medical and dental benefits which they are current-

ly lacking while at the same time providing the City with a three year

period within which to make budgetary adjustments for the inclusion of

these medical and dental benefits.  It should be mentioned that the

majority of the Board believes that the medical and dental benefits are

critical factors in the contract negotiations and are long overdue based

upon the escalating rate of medical and dental services over the past

few years.  Therefore, the Board has chosen to view the medical and dental

benefits as being more important than any additional increases in salary

which the Police Guild has requested.


            City Representative   James B. Drewelow - Comments:


It should be noted that the recommendation of the Board results

in an overall increase to the Police Guild of 10.8 percent in

1978, 12.1 percent in 1979 and 13.4 percent in 1980.  Additionally,

the 10.8 percent increase for 1978 includes a base salary increase;

however, the 1979 and 1980 base salary increases are left open for



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 20. - "Shift Differential"  Following the presentations

of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 20.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:

            Agreed .


            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 21. - "Detective Salary Differential"  Following the

presentations of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was

determined that all parties agreed to the language of Article 21.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 22. - "Savings Clause"   Following the presentations

of the Police Guild and the City of Wenatchee, it was determined that

all parties agreed to the language of Article 22.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


            Article 23. - "Complete Agreement"  It is the opinion of the

Board that Article 23, Complete Agreement, should remain as written

with the addition that if both parties to this agreement concur that

any single item should be reopened for negotiation, then such item

can be reopened for negotiation.  However, if one party does not

agree then that decision shall be final and any and all grievance

procedures shall not take effect.  The intent of the Board for this

additional language is simply that if one party says no to the others

request to reopen an issue, then the subject is ended and there shall

be no reopening or further negotiations.


            City Representative - James B. Drewelow - Comments:



            Police Guild Representative - Daniel Breda - Comments:


                                                            Respectfully Submitted,

                                                            ROBIN R. GAUKROGER, Chairperson

Reviewed and approved by:

James B. Drewelow

Daniel Breda

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.